#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> typedef struct { union { char * company; char * school; char * project; }; union { char * location; char * url; }; union { char * title; char * program; }; time_t started; time_t left; char * description[]; } thing_t; typedef thing_t job_t; typedef thing_t school_t; typedef thing_t project_t; #define CURRENT 0 /* I wasn't alive at the Unix epoch, so that'll work */ /* Contact Information */ char * name = "Kevin R. Lange"; char * email = "klange@toaruos.org"; char * address = "1045 Mission St, Apt 440n" "San Francisco, CA 94103"; /* Education */ school_t uiuc = { .school = "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", .location = "Urbana, IL", .program = "BS Computer Science", .started = 1251158400, .left = 1336608000, .description = { "Minor in International Studies in Engineering, Japan", "Focused on systems software courses", NULL } }; school_t hit = { .school = "Hiroshima Institute of Technology", .location = "Hiroshima, Japan", .program = "Study Abroad", .started = 1274745600, .left = 1278288000, .description = { "Cultural exchange program", NULL } }; school_t * schools[] = { &uiuc, &hit, NULL }; /* Projects */ project_t compiz = { .project = "Compiz Window Manager", .url = "http://compiz.org", .title = "Developer", .started = 1201392000, .left = 1264291200, .description = { "Minor plugin contributor", "Various research projects", NULL } }; project_t toaruos = { .project = "ToAruOS", .url = "https://github.com/klange/toaruos", .title = "Lead", .started = 1295049600, .left = CURRENT, .description = { "Hobby x86 Unix-like kernel and userspace", "Advanced in-house GUI with compositing window manager", NULL } }; project_t * projects[] = { &toaruos, &compiz, NULL }; /* Employment History */ job_t yelp = { .company = "Yelp, Inc.", .location = "San Francisco, CA", .title = "Software Engineer, i18n", .started = 1339977600, .left = CURRENT, .description = { "Developed several internal tools and libraries", "Provided critical input and design work for Yelp's launch in Japan", NULL } }; job_t apple_internship = { .company = "Apple Inc.", .location = "Cupertino, CA", .title = "Software Engineering Intern", .started = 1306886400, .left = 1314662400, .description = { "Built software framework for testing and verification of desktop retina display modes", "Assisted other interns with Unix fundamentals", NULL } }; job_t * jobs[] = { &yelp, &apple_internship, NULL }; void print_thing (thing_t * thing) { char started[100]; char left[100]; struct tm * ti; int i = 0; printf ("%s at %s - %sn", thing->title, thing->company, thing->location); ti = localtime (&thing->started); strftime (started, 100, "%B %d, %Y", ti); if (thing->left == CURRENT) { printf ("%s to nown", started); } else { ti = localtime (&thing->left); strftime (left, 100, "%B %d, %Y", ti); printf ("%s to %sn", started, left); } char ** desc = thing->description; while (*desc) { printf ("- %sn", *desc); desc++; } } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { printf ("%sn%sn%snn", name, email, address); puts ("Educationn"); school_t ** s = schools; while (*s) { print_thing (*s); puts (""); s++; } puts ("Employmentn"); job_t ** j = jobs; while (*j) { print_thing (*j); puts (""); j++; } puts ("Projectsn"); project_t ** p = projects; while (*p) { print_thing (*p); puts (""); p++; } return 0; }
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栏 目:C语言
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- 01-10VC实现获取当前正在运行的进程
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- 01-10Visual Studio Code配置C、C++环境并编写运行的方法
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