C++ 数据结构链表的实现代码
C++ 链表
class Node{ public: int data; Node *next; Node(int da=0,Node *p=NULL){ this->data=da; this->next=p; } };
class List{ private: Node *head,*tail; int position; public: List(){head=tail=NULL;}; ~List(){delete head;delete tail;}; void print(); void Insert(int da=0); void Delete(int da=0); void Search(int da=0); };
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Node{ public: int data; Node *next; Node(int da=0,Node *p=NULL){ this->data=da; this->next=p; } }; class List{ private: Node *head,*tail; int position; public: List(){head=tail=NULL;}; ~List(){delete head;delete tail;}; void print(); void Insert(int da=0); void Delete(int da=0); void Search(int da=0); int getValueAt(int position); void setValueAt(int position,int da); }; int List::getValueAt(int position){ Node *p=head; if(p==NULL){ cout<<"The List is Empty!"<<endl; }else{ int posi=0; while(p!=NULL&&posi!=position){ posi++; p=p->next; } if(p==NULL){ cout<<"There is no value of this position in this List!"<<endl; }else{ cout<<"In this Position,the value is"<<p->data<<endl; } } return p->data; } void List::setValueAt(int position,int da){ Node *p=head; if(p==NULL){ cout<<"The List is Empty!"<<endl; }else{ int posi=0; while(p!=NULL&&posi!=position){ posi++; p=p->next; } if(p==NULL){ cout<<"There is No Position in this List!"<<endl; }else{ p->data=da; cout<<"The Value in this position has been Updated!"<<endl; } } } void List::Search(int da){ Node *p=head; if(p==NULL){ cout<<"Sorry, The List is Empty!"<<endl; return; } int count=0; while(p!=NULL&&p->data!=da){ p=p->next; count++; } cout<<"the value you want to search is at position %d"<<count<<endl; } void List::Delete(int da){ Node *p=head,*q=head; if(p==NULL){ cout<<"Sorry, The List is Empty!"<<endl; return; } while(p!=NULL&&p->data!=da){ q=p; p=p->next; } q->next=p->next; cout<<"The Deletion Operation had been finished!"<<endl; } void List::Insert(int da){ if(head==NULL){ head=tail=new Node(da); head->next=NULL; tail->next=NULL; }else{ Node *p=new Node(da); tail->next=p; tail=p; tail->next=NULL; } } void List::print(){ Node *p=head; while(p!=NULL){ cout<<p->data<<" \a"; p=p->next; } cout<<endl; } int main(){ cout<<"Hello World!"<<endl; List l1; l1.Insert(1); l1.Insert(2); l1.Insert(3); l1.Insert(4); l1.Insert(5); l1.Insert(6); l1.Insert(7); l1.print(); l1.Search(4); l1.Delete(6); l1.print(); l1.getValueAt(3); l1.setValueAt(3,9); l1.print(); cout<<"The End!"<<endl; return 0; } //在此我想解释的是,之所以数字4在链表中的位置为3,是因为其是从零开始计数的
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