struct ImageLabel{ std::string imagePath;//save图片路径名 int faceBox[4];//输入点集的最外层包络矩形rect四个参数 int landmarkPos[2*LandmarkPointsNum];//输入点集 private: friend class cereal::access; /** * Serialises this class using cereal. * * @param[in] ar The archive to serialise to (or to serialise from). */ template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar) { ar(imagePath, faceBox, landmarkPos); } };
version: 1 n_points: 68 { 446.000 91.000 449.459 119.344 450.957 150.614 460.552 176.986 471.486 202.157 488.087 226.842 506.016 246.438 524.662 263.865 553.315 271.435 578.732 266.260 599.361 248.966 615.947 220.651 627.439 197.999 635.375 179.064 642.063 156.371 647.302 124.753 646.518 92.944 470.271 117.870 486.218 109.415 503.097 114.454 519.714 120.090 533.680 127.609 571.937 123.590 585.702 117.155 602.344 109.070 620.077 103.951 633.964 111.236 554.931 145.072 554.589 161.106 554.658 177.570 554.777 194.295 532.717 197.930 543.637 202.841 555.652 205.483 565.441 202.069 576.368 197.061 487.474 136.436 499.184 132.337 513.781 133.589 527.594 143.047 513.422 144.769 499.117 144.737 579.876 140.815 590.901 130.008 605.648 128.376 618.343 132.671 606.771 140.525 593.466 141.419 519.040 229.040 536.292 221.978 }
void readpic(std::vector<ImageLabel> &Imagelabels){ cout<<"test readpic"<<endl; string filePath = "/Users/anitafang/Downloads/Datasets/300W/300w/01_Indoor/"; //打开png图片名存储的TXT文件 ifstream pngfile; pngfile.open("/Users/anitafang/Downloads/Datasets/300W/300w/01_Indoor/pnglist.txt"); if(!pngfile.is_open()){ cout<<"不能打开文件!"<<endl; } //ImageLabel* mImageLabel = NULL;//保存图像信息的类 string line;//读取文件的每一行 while(getline(pngfile,line)){ //mImageLabel = new ImageLabel(); ImageLabel mImageLabel; //mImageLabel->imagePath=filePath+line;//将文件全路径保存在 mImageLabel->imagePath mImageLabel.imagePath=filePath+line;//将文件全路径保存在 mImageLabel->imagePath cout<<line<<endl; //得到pts文件路径 string ress="pts"; string ptss=filePath+line.replace(11,3,ress); cout<<line.replace(11,3,ress)<<endl; cout<<ptss<<endl; //读取pts文件里面的数据 std::ifstream LabelsFile(ptss, std::ios::in); if(!LabelsFile.is_open()) return; //开始读取pts文件内容 int index=0; vector<Point2f> vp2f; char line11[1024]={0};//存放每行数据 //将文件逐行读取到string linestr中,然后对行的内容进行判断 while(LabelsFile.getline(line11, sizeof(line11))){ //从第四行开始把数据写进landmark数组中 if((index>=3)&&(index<139)){ string x = ""; string y = ""; std::stringstream word(line11); word >> x; word >> y; cout<<atof(x.c_str())<<" "<<atof(y.c_str())<<endl; mImageLabel.landmarkPos[index-3] =atof(x.c_str()); mImageLabel.landmarkPos[index+LandmarkPointsNum-3] =atof(y.c_str()); vp2f.push_back(Point2f(mImageLabel.landmarkPos[index-3],mImageLabel.landmarkPos[index+LandmarkPointsNum-3])); cout<<"x:"<<mImageLabel.landmarkPos[index-3]<<" y:"<<mImageLabel.landmarkPos[index+LandmarkPointsNum-3]<<endl; } index++; } Rect rect = boundingRect(vp2f); //根据得到的矩形 输入到facebox中 mImageLabel.faceBox[0] = rect.x; mImageLabel.faceBox[1] = rect.y; mImageLabel.faceBox[2] = rect.width; mImageLabel.faceBox[3] = rect.height; cout<<"facebox"<<mImageLabel.faceBox[0]<<mImageLabel.faceBox[1]<<mImageLabel.faceBox[2]<<mImageLabel.faceBox[3]<<endl; // close file LabelsFile.close(); //free the object Imagelabels.push_back(mImageLabel); //mImageLabel == NULL; } }
另外如果把 Imagelabels 当做类来处理只需要,最开始,ImageLabel mImageLabel;后面直接push_back,不需要delete。所有的引用都变成:mImageLabel.faceBox,不能用mImageLabel->landmarkPos。
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?> <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='image_metadata_stylesheet.xsl'?> <dataset> <name>iBUG face point dataset - All images</name> <comment>This folder contains data downloaded from: http://ibug.doc.ic.ac.uk/resources/facial-point-annotations/ The dataset is actually a combination of the AFW, HELEN, iBUG, and LFPW face landmark datasets. But the iBUG people have aggregated it all together and gave them a consistent set of 68 landmarks across all the images, thereby turning it into one big dataset. Note that we have adjusted the coordinates of the points from the MATLAB convention of 1 being the first index to 0 being the first index. So the coordinates in this file are in the normal C 0-indexed coordinate system. We have also added left right flips (i.e. mirrors) of each image and also appropriately flipped the landmarks. This doubles the size of the dataset. Each of the mirrored versions of the images has a filename that ends with _mirror.jpg. Finally, note that the bounding boxes are from dlib's default face detector. For the faces the detector failed to detect, we guessed at what the bounding box would have been had the detector found it and used that.</comment> <images> <image file='afw/1051618982_1.jpg'> <box top='206' left='469' width='216' height='216'> <part name='00' x='482' y='267'/> <part name='01' x='483' y='298'/> <part name='02' x='487' y='329'/> <part name='03' x='491' y='358'/> <part name='04' x='503' y='386'/> <part name='05' x='523' y='409'/> <part name='06' x='543' y='428'/> <part name='07' x='565' y='442'/> <part name='08' x='591' y='447'/> <part name='09' x='620' y='443'/> <part name='10' x='647' y='429'/> <part name='11' x='671' y='409'/> <part name='12' x='688' y='385'/> <part name='13' x='699' y='359'/> <part name='14' x='704' y='332'/> <part name='15' x='707' y='305'/> <part name='16' x='708' y='277'/> <part name='17' x='502' y='250'/> <part name='18' x='518' y='237'/> <part name='19' x='537' y='234'/> <part name='20' x='557' y='236'/> <part name='21' x='575' y='243'/> <part name='22' x='619' y='243'/> <part name='23' x='639' y='237'/> <part name='24' x='659' y='234'/> <part name='25' x='679' y='238'/> <part name='26' x='693' y='250'/> <part name='27' x='596' y='268'/> <part name='28' x='595' y='287'/> <part name='29' x='594' y='305'/> <part name='30' x='593' y='324'/> <part name='31' x='570' y='336'/> <part name='32' x='581' y='338'/> <part name='33' x='593' y='342'/> <part name='34' x='605' y='338'/> <part name='35' x='615' y='336'/> <part name='36' x='523' y='272'/> <part name='37' x='536' y='263'/> <part name='38' x='551' y='263'/> <part name='39' x='564' y='277'/> <part name='40' x='550' y='277'/> <part name='41' x='535' y='276'/> <part name='42' x='626' y='279'/> <part name='43' x='642' y='265'/> <part name='44' x='657' y='267'/> <part name='45' x='670' y='276'/> <part name='46' x='658' y='280'/> <part name='47' x='642' y='279'/> <part name='48' x='544' y='364'/> <part name='49' x='565' y='360'/> <part name='50' x='580' y='357'/> <part name='51' x='591' y='360'/> <part name='52' x='603' y='358'/> <part name='53' x='621' y='361'/> <part name='54' x='641' y='366'/> <part name='55' x='621' y='382'/> <part name='56' x='603' y='385'/> <part name='57' x='590' y='384'/> <part name='58' x='579' y='383'/> <part name='59' x='563' y='378'/> <part name='60' x='552' y='366'/> <part name='61' x='580' y='370'/> <part name='62' x='591' y='370'/> <part name='63' x='603' y='371'/> <part name='64' x='634' y='369'/> <part name='65' x='603' y='371'/> <part name='66' x='591' y='370'/> <part name='67' x='580' y='370'/> </box> </image> <image file='afw/111076519_1.jpg'> <box top='724' left='1122' width='150' height='150'> <part name='00' x='1126' y='765'/> <part name='01' x='1123' y='784'/> <part name='02' x='1123' y='804'/> <part name='03' x='1124' y='822'/> <part name='04' x='1131' y='839'/> <part name='05' x='1142' y='853'/> <part name='06' x='1157' y='865'/> <part name='07' x='1172' y='874'/> <part name='08' x='1190' y='878'/> <part name='09' x='1208' y='878'/> <part name='10' x='1225' y='873'/> <part name='11' x='1238' y='862'/> <part name='12' x='1249' y='846'/> <part name='13' x='1256' y='829'/> <part name='14' x='1261' y='810'/> <part name='15' x='1263' y='792'/> <part name='16' x='1264' y='774'/> <part name='17' x='1148' y='749'/> <part name='18' x='1160' y='745'/> <part name='19' x='1171' y='744'/> <part name='20' x='1183' y='748'/> <part name='21' x='1194' y='753'/> <part name='22' x='1227' y='756'/> <part name='23' x='1236' y='753'/> <part name='24' x='1244' y='753'/> <part name='25' x='1251' y='754'/> <part name='26' x='1256' y='759'/> <part name='27' x='1210' y='769'/> <part name='28' x='1210' y='779'/> <part name='29' x='1210' y='790'/> <part name='30' x='1209' y='800'/> <part name='31' x='1187' y='808'/> <part name='32' x='1196' y='811'/> <part name='33' x='1205' y='814'/> <part name='34' x='1212' y='813'/> <part name='35' x='1218' y='812'/> <part name='36' x='1159' y='766'/> <part name='37' x='1167' y='763'/> <part name='38' x='1176' y='764'/> <part name='39' x='1183' y='770'/> <part name='40' x='1175' y='770'/> <part name='41' x='1166' y='769'/> <part name='42' x='1225' y='776'/> <part name='43' x='1235' y='773'/> <part name='44' x='1243' y='774'/> <part name='45' x='1248' y='777'/> <part name='46' x='1241' y='779'/> <part name='47' x='1233' y='779'/> <part name='48' x='1160' y='825'/> <part name='49' x='1176' y='820'/> <part name='50' x='1190' y='822'/> <part name='51' x='1199' y='824'/> <part name='52' x='1209' y='825'/> <part name='53' x='1221' y='827'/> <part name='54' x='1229' y='833'/> <part name='55' x='1218' y='847'/> <part name='56' x='1205' y='852'/> <part name='57' x='1194' y='851'/> <part name='58' x='1184' y='849'/> <part name='59' x='1171' y='840'/> <part name='60' x='1165' y='827'/> <part name='61' x='1189' y='828'/> <part name='62' x='1199' y='830'/> <part name='63' x='1208' y='831'/> <part name='64' x='1225' y='834'/> <part name='65' x='1206' y='844'/> <part name='66' x='1196' y='844'/> <part name='67' x='1186' y='841'/> </box> </image> <image file='afw/111076519_2.jpg'> <box top='590' left='1028' width='180' height='180'> <part name='00' x='1050' y='620'/> <part name='01' x='1046' y='641'/> <part name='02' x='1040' y='663'/>
void ReadLabelsFromFile(std::vector<ImageLabel> &Imagelabels, std::string Path = "labels_ibug_300W.xml"){ std::string ParentPath(trainFilePath); std::ifstream LabelsFile(ParentPath+Path, std::ios::in); if(!LabelsFile.is_open()) return; std::string linestr; while(std::getline(LabelsFile, linestr)){ linestr = trim(linestr); linestr = replace(linestr, "</", ""); linestr = replace(linestr, "/>", ""); linestr = replace(linestr, "<", ""); linestr = replace(linestr, ">", ""); linestr = replace(linestr, "'", ""); std::vector<std::string> strNodes = split(linestr, " "); static ImageLabel* mImageLabel = NULL; switch (strNodes.size()) { case 1: if(strNodes[0] == "image"){ Imagelabels.push_back(*mImageLabel); delete mImageLabel; } break; case 2: if(strNodes[0] == "image"){ mImageLabel = new ImageLabel(); mImageLabel->imagePath = ParentPath + split(strNodes[1], "=")[1]; // std::cout << mImageLabel->imagePath << std::endl; // cv::Mat Image = cv::imread(mImageLabel->imagePath); // cv::imshow("Image", Image); // cv::waitKey(0); } break; case 5: if(strNodes[0] == "box"){ mImageLabel->faceBox[0] = atoi(split(strNodes[1], "=")[1].data()); mImageLabel->faceBox[1] = atoi(split(strNodes[2], "=")[1].data()); mImageLabel->faceBox[2] = atoi(split(strNodes[3], "=")[1].data()); mImageLabel->faceBox[3] = atoi(split(strNodes[4], "=")[1].data()); } break; case 4: if(strNodes[0] == "part"){ int index = atoi(split(strNodes[1], "=")[1].data()); mImageLabel->landmarkPos[index] = atoi(split(strNodes[2], "=")[1].data()); mImageLabel->landmarkPos[index+LandmarkPointsNum] = atoi(split(strNodes[3], "=")[1].data()); } break; default: break; } } LabelsFile.close(); }
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