C语言 数据结构链表的实例(十九种操作)
C语言 数据结构链表的实例(十九种操作)
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> /*************************************************************************************/ /* 第一版博主 原文地址 http://www.cnblogs.com/renyuan/archive/2013/05/21/3091506.html */ /* 第二版博主 原文地址 http://www.cnblogs.com/wireless-dragon/p/5170565.html */ /* 2.创建线性表,此函数输入不为正时终止读取数据*/ /* 3.打印链表,链表的遍历 */ /* 4.查询链表结点数并返回长度 */ /* 5.检查单链表是否为空 */ /* 6.将线性表进行冒泡排序 */ /* 7.查找单链表中第n个结点中的元素 */ /* 8.从单链表中查找具有给定值number的第一个元素,返回该结点的地址 */ /* 9.把单链表中第n个结点的值修改为number的值 */ /* 10.向单链表的表头插入一个元素 */ /* 11.向单链表的末尾添加一个元素 */ /* 12.向单链表中第n个结点位置插入元素为x的结点 */ /* 13.向有序单链表中插入元素x结点,使得插入后仍然有序 */ /* 14.从单链表中删除表头结点 */ /* 15.从单链表中删除表尾结点 */ /* 16.从单链表中删除第n个结点 */ /* 17.从单链表中删除值为x的第一个结点 */ /* 18.交换2个元素的位置 */ /* 19.删除列表 */ /*************************************************************************************/ typedef int elemType; typedef struct NODE { elemType element; struct NODE *next; } Node; /* 2.创建线性表,此函数输入不为正时终止读取数据*/ void creatList(Node **pHead) { printf("Please enter the list:\n"); Node *p1, *p2; p1 = p2 = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if (p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL) exit(0); memset(p1, 0, sizeof(Node)); scanf("%d", &p1->element); p1->next = NULL; while(p1->element > 0) { if (*pHead == NULL) (*pHead) = p1; else p2->next = p1; p2 = p1; p1 = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if (p1 == NULL) exit(0); memset(p1, 0, sizeof(Node)); scanf("%d", &p1->element); p1->next = NULL; } } /* 3.打印链表,链表的遍历 */ void printList(Node *pHead) { if (NULL == pHead) printf("The list is empty\n"); else while(NULL != pHead) { printf("%d ", pHead->element); pHead = pHead->next; } printf("\n"); } /* 4.查询链表结点数并返回长度 */ int sizeList(Node *pHead) { int size = 0; while(pHead != NULL) { size ++; pHead = pHead->next; } return size; } /* 5. 检查单链表是否为空 */ void isEmptyList(Node *pHead) { if (pHead == NULL) { printf("The list is empty\n"); exit(0); } } /* 7.查找单链表中第n个结点中的元素 */ void getElement(Node *pHead, int num) { for (int i = 1; i < num; ++i) pHead = pHead->next; printf("The value of the %dth element is:%d\n", num, pHead->element); } /* 8.从单链表中查找具有给定值number的第一个元素,返回该结点的地址 */ int getElemAddr(Node *pHead, int number) { int i = 1; while(pHead != NULL) { if (pHead->element == number) return i; i++; pHead = pHead->next; } return 0; } /* 9.把单链表中第n个结点的值修改为number的值 */ void modifyElem(Node **pList, int addr, int number) { Node *pHead; //在此处如果直接更改pList指向的话,主函数中调用printList就会从addr处开始打印 int i = 1; pHead = *pList; while(pHead != NULL) { if (i == addr) break; pHead = pHead->next; i++; } pHead->element = number; } /* 10.向单链表的表头插入一个元素 */ void insertHeadList(Node **pHead) { Node *p1; p1 = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if (p1 == NULL) exit(0); memset(p1, 0, sizeof(Node)); printf("Please enter a number to be inserted:"); scanf("%d", &p1->element); p1->next = (*pHead);// 此时pHead指向的是第一个结点(有数据域的),所以新的结点要插入到头结点前 (*pHead) = p1; // pHead指向第一个结点 } /* 11.向单链表的末尾添加一个元素 */ void insertLastList(Node **pHead, int n) { Node *p1, *p2; p2 = (*pHead); int i; for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) p2 = p2->next; p1 = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if (p1 == NULL) exit(0); memset(p1, 0, sizeof(Node)); printf("Please enter a number to be inserted:"); scanf("%d", &p1->element); p1->next = NULL; p2->next = p1; } /* 12.向单链表中第n个结点位置插入元素为x的结点 */ void isAddPos(Node **pHead, int length) { Node *p1, *p2; int position, i; printf("Please enter the insert position:"); scanf("%d", &position); if (position > length || position <= 0) { printf("Input error, the program ends\n"); exit(0); } p1 = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); p2 = (*pHead); if (p1 == NULL) exit(0); memset(p1, 0, sizeof(Node)); printf("Please enter a number to be inserted:"); scanf("%d", &p1->element); for (i = 1; i < position - 1; ++i) p2 = p2->next; p1->next = p2->next; p2->next = p1; } /* 6.将线性表进行冒泡排序 */ void Arrange(Node **pHead, int length) { Node *p1; p1 = (*pHead); int i, j, temp; for (i = length; i > 0; --i) { for(j = i - 1; j > 0; --j) { if ((p1->element) > (p1->next->element)) { temp = p1->element; p1->element = p1->next->element; p1->next->element = temp; } p1 = p1->next; } p1 = (*pHead); } } int OrrderList(Node **pHead, int length) { Node *p1, *p2; p1 = (*pHead); p2 = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if (p2 == NULL) exit(0); memset(p2, 0, sizeof(Node)); printf("Enter the value of the element to be inserted:"); scanf("%d", &p2->element); if (p2->element < p1->element) { p2->next = p1; (*pHead) = p2; return 1; } while(p1->next != NULL && p2->element > (p1->next->element)) p1 = p1->next; if (p1->next == NULL) { p2->next = NULL; p1->next = p2; return 1; } else { p2->next = p1->next; p1->next = p2; return 1; } } /* 14.从单链表中删除表头结点 */ void DelHeadList(Node **pHead) { Node *p1; p1 = (*pHead); (*pHead) = (*pHead)->next; free(p1); } /* 15.从单链表中删除表尾结点 */ void DelLastList(Node **pHead) { Node *p1, *p2; p1 = (*pHead); p2 = p1->next; while(p2->next != NULL) { p2 = p2->next; p1 = p1->next; } p1->next = NULL; free(p2); } /* 16.从单链表中删除第n个结点 */ void DelPos(Node **pHead, int length) { int n, i; Node *p1, *p2; p1 = (*pHead); p2 = p1->next; printf("Please enter the serial number number to delete:"); scanf("%d", &n); if (n < 1 || n > length) exit(0); for (i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i) { p2 = p2->next; p1 = p1->next; } p1->next = p2->next; free(p2); } /* 17.从单链表中删除值为x的第一个结点 */ int Delx(Node **pHead) { Node *p1, *p2; p1 = (*pHead); p2 = p1->next; int number; printf("Please input is going to be deleted the value of x:"); scanf("%d", &number); if (number == (*pHead)->element) { (*pHead) = (*pHead)->next; free(p1); return 1; } while(p2 != NULL) { if (p2->element == number) { break; } p2 = p2->next; p1 = p1->next; } if (p2 == NULL) { printf("X does not exist in the list\n"); return 1; } else { p1->next = p2->next; free(p2); return 1; } } /* 18.交换2个元素的位置 */ void exchange2pos(Node **pHead, int length) { Node *p1, *p2; int n1, n2, i, j, temp; printf("Please enter the first number:"); scanf("%d", &n1); printf("Please enter the second number:"); scanf("%d", &n2); if (n1 < 1 || n1 > length || n2 < 1 || n2 > length) exit(0); p1 = p2 = (*pHead); for (i = 1; i < n1; ++i) { p1 = p1->next; } for (j = 1; j < n2; ++j) { p2 = p2->next; } temp = p1->element; p1->element = p2->element; p2->element = temp; } /* 删除列表 */ void clearList(Node **pHead) { Node *p1; p1 = (*pHead); while(p1 != NULL) { p1 = p1->next; free((*pHead)); (*pHead) = p1; } } int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { /* 1.初始化线性表,即置单链表的表头指针为空 */ Node *pList = NULL; int length = 0, n, addr, number; /* 2.创建线性表,此函数输入不为正时终止读取数据*/ printf("- - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - -\n"); creatList(&pList); /* 5. 检查单链表是否为空 */ isEmptyList(pList); printList(pList); /* 4.查询链表结点数并返回长度 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - -\n"); length = sizeList(pList); printf("the Node length is:%d\n", length); /* 7.查找单链表中第n个结点中的元素 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - -\n"); printf("Please input node number (n):"); scanf("%d", &n); if (n > length || n < 1) { printf("N is not within the scope of\n"); exit(0); } getElement(pList, n); /* 8.从单链表中查找具有给定值number的第一个元素,返回该结点的地址 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - - - -\n"); addr = 0; number; printf("Please enter to find element value (number):"); scanf("%d", &number); addr = getElemAddr(pList, number); if (addr == 0) printf("List the element\n"); else printf("The location of the number is:%d\n", addr); /* 9.把单链表中第n个结点的值修改为number的值 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 9 - - - - - - - -\n"); addr = 0; number = 0; printf("Please input to replace the serial number (n):"); scanf("%d", &addr); if (addr > length || addr < 0) { printf("N is not within the scope of\n"); exit(0); } printf("Please input to replace the contents of the (number):"); scanf("%d", &number); modifyElem(&pList, addr, number); printf("The revised list is:\n"); printList(pList); /* 10.向单链表的表头插入一个元素 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 10 - - - - - - - -\n"); insertHeadList(&pList); printList(pList); /* 11.向单链表的末尾添加一个元素 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 11 - - - - - - - -\n"); insertLastList(&pList, length); printList(pList); /* 12.向单链表中第n个结点位置插入元素值为x的结点 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 12 - - - - - - - -\n"); isAddPos(&pList, length); printList(pList); /* 6.将线性表进行冒泡排序 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - - -\n"); Arrange(&pList, length); printList(pList); /* 13.向有序单链表中插入元素x结点,使得插入后仍然有序 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 13 - - - - - - - -\n"); OrrderList(&pList, length); printList(pList); /* 14.从单链表中删除表头结点 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 14 - - - - - - - -\n"); DelHeadList(&pList); printList(pList); /* 15.从单链表中删除表尾结点 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 15 - - - - - - - -\n"); DelLastList(&pList); printList(pList); /* 16.从单链表中删除第n个结点 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 16 - - - - - - - -\n"); DelPos(&pList, length); printList(pList); /* 17.从单链表中删除值为x的第一个结点 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 17 - - - - - - - -\n"); Delx(&pList); printList(pList); /* 18.交换2个元素的位置 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 18 - - - - - - - -\n"); exchange2pos(&pList, length); printList(pList); /* 19.删除列表 */ printf("- - - - - - - - - 19 - - - - - - - -\n"); clearList(&pList); printList(pList); return 0; }
上一篇:c++ 预处理的图灵完备之引言
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