C++ 中cerr和cout的区别实例详解
C++ 中cerr和cout的区别实例详解
cerrThe object controls unbuffered insertions to the standard error output as a byte stream. Once the object is nstructed, the expression cerr.flags & unitbuf is nonzero.
// iostream_cerr.cpp // compile with: /EHsc // By default, cerr and clog are the same as cout #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void TestWide( ) { int i = 0; wcout << L"Enter a number: "; wcin >> i; wcerr << L"test for wcerr" << endl; wclog << L"test for wclog" << endl; } int main( ) { int i = 0; cout << "Enter a number: "; cin >> i; cerr << "test for cerr" << endl; clog << "test for clog" << endl; TestWide( ); }
Input Sample Output Enter a number: 3 test for cerr test for clog Enter a number: 1 test for wcerr test for wclogcout The object controls insertions to the standard output as a byte stream. cerr extern ostream cerr; The object controls unbuffered insertions to the standard error output as a byte stream. Once the object is constructed, the expression cerr.flags() & unitbuf is nonzero. cout extern ostream cout; The object controls insertions to the standard output as a byte stream.
cerr: 错误输出流,无缓冲,不可以重定向。输出的数据不经过缓冲区,直接放到指定的目标中,既然不经过缓冲区那么其它程序就无法把要输出的内容送到其他目标中,所以说它不能被重定向。
栏 目:C语言
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