C++标准中,定义在<stdexcept>中的任何异常类都派生自exception Class,本例也只是简单地由exception继承,在try段抛出一个异常并捕捉。代码如下:
/*++ test.cpp version:1.0 decript:define a exception class named myException derived from base class exception which is declared in <exception> created:2011-08-14 author: btwsmile --*/ #include<exception> #include<iostream> using namespace std; //customized exception class 'myException' class myException:public exception { public: myException():exception("ERROR! Don't divide a number by integer zero.\n") { } }; //entry of the application int main() { int x=100,y=0; try { if(y==0) throw myException(); else cout<<x/y; } catch(myException& me) { cout<<me.what(); } system("pause"); return 0; }
ERROR! Don't divide a number by integer zero.
请按任意键继续. . .
与此同时,VC又没有遵循标准,有力地支持terminate和unexpected,它只保留了语法,却在编译运行时不提供支持。为了结合terminate和unexpected更加深入了解C++的异常处理,下面的例子采用Dev cpp IDE实现。
例2:依照C++标准实现自定义异常类myException并将throw语句封装到函数check()中涉及到的更改正如标题所述,(1)重写基类的what()函数,返回错误信息;(2)将throw myException()封装到check()函数中;(3)允许check()函数抛出myException类型的异常。代码如下:
/*++ test.cpp version:1.1 decript:define a exception class named myException according to C++ standard, derived from base class exception which is declared in <exception> !also,encapusulate throw into a function created:2011-08-14 author: btwsmile --*/ #include<exception> #include<iostream> using namespace std; //customized exception class 'myException' class myException:public exception { public: const char* what()const throw()//#1 { return "ERROR! Don't divide a number by integer zero.\n"; } }; void check(int y) throw(myException)//#2 { if(y==0) throw myException(); } //entry of the application int main() { int x=100,y=0; try { check(y); cout<<x/y; } catch(myException& me) { cout<<me.what(); } system("pause"); return 0; }
/*++ test.cpp version:1.3 decript:define an unexpected excption handler, set it by using set_unexpected, modify the throw list of function check created:2011-08-14 author: btwsmile --*/ #include<exception> #include<iostream> using namespace std; //customized exception class 'myException' class myException:public exception { public: const char* what()const throw() { return "ERROR! Don't divide a number by integer zero.\n"; } }; void check(int y) throw()//#1 only int-type exception is permitted { if(y==0) throw myException(); } void myUnexpected() { cout<<"Unexpected exception caught!\n"; system("pause"); exit(-1); } //entry of the application int main() { unexpected_handler oldHandler=set_unexpected(myUnexpected); int x=100,y=0; try { check(y); cout<<x/y; } catch(myException& me) { cout<<me.what(); } system("pause"); return 0; }
Unexpected exception caught!
请按任意键继续. . .
/*++ test.cpp version:1.4.1 decript: how to understand "exception not caucht"? created:2011-08-14 author: btwsmile --*/ #include<exception> #include<iostream> using namespace std; //customized exception class 'myException' class myException:public exception { public: const char* what()const throw() { return "ERROR! Don't divide a number by integer zero.\n"; } }; void check(int y) //any type of exception is permitted { if(y==0) throw myException(); } void myUnexpected() { cout<<"Unexpected exception caught!\n"; system("pause"); exit(-1); } //entry of the application int main() { unexpected_handler oldHandler=set_unexpected(myUnexpected); int x=100,y=0; try { check(y); cout<<x/y; } catch(int &e) //##1 no catch sentence matches the throw type { cout<<e<<endl; } /* ##2 if add this part, any type which's not handler before will be caught catch(...) { cout<<"Unkown exception caught!\n"; } */ system("pause"); return 0; }
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.Please contact the application's support team for more information.
注意:check函数不被允许的异常类型并不会进入到catch语句的判断中来,因此catch(...)对unexpected exception没有作用。
/*++ test.cpp version:1.4.2 decript: how to understand "exception not caucht"? created:2011-08-14 author: btwsmile --*/ #include<exception> #include<iostream> using namespace std; //customized exception class 'myException' class myException:public exception { public: const char* what()const throw() { return "ERROR! Don't divide a number by integer zero.\n"; } }; void check(int y) //any type of exception is permitted { if(y==0) throw myException(); } void myUnexpected() { cout<<"Unexpected exception caught!\n"; system("pause"); exit(-1); } void myTerminate() //##1 set it be the terminate handler { cout<<"Unhandler exception!\n"; system("pause"); exit(-1); } //entry of the application int main() { unexpected_handler oldHandler=set_unexpected(myUnexpected); terminate_handler preHandler=set_terminate(myTerminate); int x=100,y=0; try { check(y); cout<<x/y; } catch(int &e) //no catch sentence matches the throw type { cout<<e<<endl; } system("pause"); return 0; }
Unhandler exception!
请按任意键继续. . .
除此之外,在定义函数时,可以显式指定函数体抛出的异常类型。隐式情况下,缺省允许函数抛出任何类型的异常。有可以增加throw语句,对异常类型加以限制。特别的是,throw()表示不允许函数抛出任何类型的异常。如果违反了throw列表规定的异常类型,系统将调用unexpected hanlder进行处理,可以自定义unexpected异常处理方法。例2和例3对它们进行了说明。
如果对于函数体throw列表合法的异常被抛出,但是却没有被程序捕捉处理,系统将调用terminate handler进行处理。缺省情况下,只是简单调用abort()函数终止程序,同样可以自定义terminate处理方法。例4对它进行了说明。
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